Shelley Hack has been listed on many internet sites as 5'7" (People Magazine put it down as 5'7 1/2".) But really, Shelley is 5'8" - taller than Jaclyn Smith (5'7") and Tanya Roberts (5'7 1/2") , same as Christie Brinkley, Rene Russo, Kelly Emberg and Kelly Le Brock. She even mentioned it on the Love Boat episode she guested in. Her line went, "It is because I, Professor Carol Ketay, 5'8", summa cum laude..." As a model in the seventies, her 5'8" stature was enough to get her modeling jobs. It seems that Ms. Hack prefers flats though, when she's not working. In fact, she prefers lower heels rather than platforms or towering stilettos. I guess, as a model, she had experienced wearing every type of shoe height available and has settled to wearing more comfortable footwear that compliments her sort of laid back lifestyle.