Saturday, November 28, 2015

Night Lights

A closeup of Shelley from JCPenney's fall and winter catalog, 1972

Shelley appeared in many catalogs throughout her modeling career. One of them was JCPenney. She appeared in many issues of the department store's catalog from the '60s (when it was still called Penney's) until the '70s. In 1972, she appeared in the catalog's spread called "Formfit Rogers: Night Lights" where she modeled sleepwear. And Shelley was just lovely in her Formfit-Rogers original.

Shelley in a spread for JCPenney's fall and winter catalog, 1972

Out and About in the '80s

Shelley in around 1986
Shelley was a busy actress in the 1980's. She had movies and TV shows left and right. She would be spotted out and about during the time; sometimes even stopping to indulge a fan who would like a picture or an autograph.

The Pizzazz

Shelley on the cover
of Woman's Day, November 1979

Shelley was on the cover of Woman's Day magazine's November 1979 issue as well as inside the mag in a feature called "The Cut, The Set The Pizzazz: Celebrity Hairdos". Shelley had become a superstar after she was cast as the newest Charlie's Angel in 1979; and she was among the celebrities whose hairdos were requested by readers to be featured in the mag. Complete cutting and setting directions were also given, so readers could copy the hair styles of their fave celebs.

Shelley was among the celebs
whose hairdos were requested by readers
to be featured in the mag

Star-Dressing 3

Shelley in a spread for Harper's Bazaar, October 1977

Shelley appeared in the October 1977 issue of Harper's Bazaar. She appeared in many spread throughout the issue. One of them was called "Star-Dressing for Little Evenings" which featured "beautiful big looks for all the exciting little evenings ahead". In one part of the the eight-page spread, she modeled a brown satin top with a tie front over a matching brown satin dirndl skirt. A bronze braided beaded belt with a gold clasp finished her look. Shelley was sensational.

Check out Shelley's other pics from the spread at:
More Star-Dressing
Supermodel Gorgeous

 closeups of Shelley from the spread.

Happyknits Is...

a closeup Shelley
from a 1971 Ship'n Shore Christmas ad

Shelley appeared in a Christmas ad for Ship'n Shore in 1971. Called "Happyknits Is...", it featured knitted outfits with skinny little ribs and appliqued with flowers and bumble bees. She wore a turtle neck top and shorts outfit that had been finished with a fancy skullcap and with a pair of matching tights and boots. And Shelley definitely looked happy in in her cute ensemble.

Shelley in a Christmas ad for Ship'n Shore, 1971

Publicity Pic

Shelley posed for many publicity pics in the late 1970s. She was transitioning from Supermodel to actress and she was granting interviews and posing for publicity pictures. Her first foray into film was via the Academy Award winning film Annie Hall where she had a very small but very memorable part. After a couple of films as well as some TV movies and guestings, she became a superstar via Charlie's Angels.

Looks That Last 2

Shelley in a spread for Redbook magazine, Feb 1984

Shelley appeared in a spread for Redbook magazine's Feb 1984 issue called "Looks That Last". It featured the chemise or the sack dress - which was making a big comeback in the mid-'80s. Of course, it had wider shoulders and a looser fit, a popular silhouette at the time.

Shelley modeled a pale pink chemise for Redbook magazine, Feb 1984

Shelley was making a comeback as well. She was very much maligned by critics and the press when she was on Charlie's Angels; but in the years after she left the TV series, she proved that she was a capable actress with her work on Vanities, The King of Comedy and even her short-lived 2nd TV series Cutter to Houston.

a closeup of Shelley from the spread

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Applique Knits

a closeup of Shelley from a 1971 ad for JCPenney

Shelley appeared in many print and TV ads for department store chains during the 1970s - one of them was JCPenney. In 1971, she appeared in their ad for Applique Knits - knitted shift dresses and tops with flip skirts adorned with appliques. She wore the former in the ad which was ad which was adorned with a turtle applique. A matching newsboy cap and matching tights finished her look. And Shelley was adorable in her turtle appliqued knitted shift dress.

Shelley in a 1971 ad for JCPenney

Unique Stage Play

a portrait of Shelley from 1990

Shelley appeared in the play Tamara from late-1989 to 1990. Tamara is a play by John Krizanc about the painter Tamara de Lempicka and her historical meeting with Gabriele D'Annunzio at his villa at Gardone Riviera. The play was unique because it allowed the audience to participate in the play. The play was staged at the Il Vittoriale in Los Angeles. Audience members could follow any cast member as the play was going on. Shelley played the character Luisa Baccara, a character "who starts out crazy and gets crazier" according to her. "I love theater. I thought it would be fun, and it is," she added.

A Movie Splash

a writeup about Shelley from US mag, 1978

By 1978, Shelley had become a certified Supermodel and was known worldwide as THE Charlie Girl. Her success as a model was opening Hollywood doors for her; and her first leading lady role came in the film If Ever I See You Again - her 1978 movie splash. Shelley took up the challenge and was ready to tackle life in Hollywood. Consequently, the film bombed. But she took the box office failure of the film in stride, took note of the lessons she learned from it and just moved forward - as she always did. A year later, she became a superstar.

another pic of Shelley from the same US issue

Pants Problems

closeups of Shelley from Glamour - October, 1965

Shelley appeared in Glamour magazine's October 1965 issue. She appeared in the mags regular feature "Dear Glamour" - which answered readers' letters about their fashion dilemmas. One reader wrote about her problem in selecting the perfect-fitting pair of jeans, trousers or bell bottoms. Shelley's pic ran alongside the reader's question - which was answered in a fashion spread on later pages. Shelley was so young and fresh, having been a model for just almost a year. She was gorgeous nevertheless.

Shelley in Glamour - October, 1965

Super Skin '73

Shelley in an ad for Super Skin, 1973

In 1973, Shelley appeared in ads for Super Skin, a facial cleanser by Natural Wonder - a Revlon line of beauty products. The product was recommended for oily skin because it blotted up excess oil and helped dry up blemishes. Only organic ingredients were used to create the product - which came in a special normal/dry skin formula as well. It made users look fresh and looking just-washed all day long. And Shelley was the perfect fresh face to endorse Super Skin.

Gorgeous in 1980

Shelley, gorgeous in her golden halter neck evening mermaid gown,
at The Love Boat Honors Helen Hayes, Beverly Hilton Hotel, 1980

Looks That Last 1

Shelley in a spread for Redbook magazine, Feb 1984

Shelley appeared in a spread for Redbook magazine's Feb 1984 issue called "Looks That Last". It featured the chemise or the sack dress - which was making a big comeback in the mid-'80s. Of course, it had wider shoulders and a looser fit, the popular silhouette at the time. Shelley was making a comeback as well. After being praised for her work on stage and on the film The King of Comedy after her stint on Charlie's Angels, she had a busy year in 1983. She did Elizabeth Diggs' Close Ties with Kim Darby. And she worked with some Hollywood greats. She did Trackdown: Finding the Goodbar Killer with George Segal and Found Money/It's Only Money with Sid Caesar and Dick Van Dyke. She also starred in the TV series (although short-lived) Cutter to Houston with future star Alec Baldwin. She was on a roll.

a closeup of Shelley from the spread

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Chanel Girl

Shelley in a 1971 ad for Chanel

Shelley appeared in many ads throughout her career as a Supermodel. In fact, she came out in other fragrance ads before becoming THE Charlie Girl. One of them was Chanel no. 5. She came out in several ads for Chanel in the early '70s. And as expected, Shelley was fabulous as a Chanel Girl too.

a closeup of Shelley
from a 1971 Chanel ad

Angel vs Angel?

Shelley became a Charlie's Angel in 1979; and the moment she became one, the press started writing about her and how she got along with her fellow Angels Cheryl Ladd and Jaclyn Smith. One writeup pitted her against Jackie, saying Shelley was stealing Jackie's classy Angel image. But of course, this wasn't true. The two got along fine, especially as the season went along.

TV Tales

screen captures of Shelley from TV Tales: Charlies Angels, 2002

In 2002, the E! network series TV Tales featured the legendary TV series Charlie's Angels. It was aired prior to the 2003 release of Charlie's Angels Full Throttle, the second Angels movie. All six TOS Angels were interviewed in it; so it was the first time they were all in one show - separately though because they were each interviewed by TV Tales separately. Each Angel was given a chance to talk about her experience with the series; and each of the girls gave their  thoughts and views about what they went through and what the show meant to them. It was great to hear from all of them. But now that another Angels movie is in the works, wouldn't it be great to have another special about them? But this time, with all of them in one room (sans Farrah, of course, sadly). That would be so awesome.

more screen captures of Shelley from from TV Tales: Charlies Angels, 2002

Wedding Coat Costume

Shelley in a spread for Glamour magazine in 1965

Shelley had been modeling for almost a year when she appeared on Glamour magazine's October 1965 issue. She was featured in the magazine's regular spread called Dear Glamour where the mag answered reader's questions regarding their style dilemmas. Shelley wore what the mag recommended a reader who had a city wedding to go to. She wore a beautifully bred coat costume - which was a coat that came with a matching skirt and velveteen blouse. It was perfect for day or evening weddings, even matinees. Shelley looked sweet and just lovely.

closeups of Shelley from the spread

Cover Girl 1990

Shelley on the cover of Beverly Hills [213] in 1990

Shelley appeared on the cover of Beverly Hills [213] in January of 1990. For the cover, Shelley was 1990 chic. She wore a white over-sized man's shirt over a black tank top and a pair of black evening shorts. She finished her look with a pair of suspenders and two necklaces. The mag also featured a writeup about her where she talked about her latest project at the time, the play Tamara.

a closeup of Shelley's cover pic


Shelley in an ad for "Homes $weet Homes"
a Charlie's Angels episode aired in 1980

In 1979, Shelley joined the cast of the biggest show on TV, Charlie's Angels, as the newest Angel - joining incumbent Angels Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd. Shelley was a Supermodel and was already known as THE Charlie Girl when she joined up, so Charlie's Angels seemed a step for her in the right direction for her (she wanted to become an actress). Her casting made headlines around the world. She became a superstar before she even filmed a scene for the series.

Cheryl Ladd, Jaclyn Smith and Shelley Hack
in a glamorous Charlie's Angels promo pic

TV was changing then. The gritty dramas and action-oriented cop shows of the '70s were becoming passe. Glamorous nighttime soaps were coming into vogue; and Angels wasn't going to be left behind. Shelley was a certified glamour girl. She was a intellectual who could wear glamorous fashions with the best of them. Injecting style into the 4th season of the series was a priority. "We're bringing back the glamour" proclaimed executive producer Aaron Spelling; and the clothing budget for the season went through the roof. Some of the best fashions were worn on the episode "Homes $weet Homes" where the Cheryl/Kris posed as glamorous real estate agent, Jaclyn/Kelly as a glamorous socialite looking to buy a house and Shelley/Tiffany as another glamorous socialite looking to sell a house.

watch Shelley in a clip from "Homes $weet Homes" at
Shelley Hack penultimate Charlie angel
(highlight the link, right click
and choose "Open Link in New Tab" option)

Make It Fast

Shelley in a fashion spread for Seventeen Says Make It, 1971

Shelley appeared on the pages of Seventeen Says Make It in 1971. The mag featured fashions anyone could make for themselves. In the spread called "Make It Fast", she modeled The 90-Minute Pattern. It was a dress that could be made in just 90 minutes. Readers could make McCall's pattern 2301 any length they wanted and could make the funnel neckline a hood or cowl. Shelley modeled a funnel-necked, midi-length version of the pattern which was made with a printed fabric. A matching belt, hose and footwear finished her look. Shelley was '71 chic.

a closeup of Shelley from the spread

Sunday, November 8, 2015

New! Natural!

a closeup of Shelley
from a 1973 print ad for Miss Clairol

Shelley appeared in many print ads during the '60s and '70s; one of them was Miss Clairol. Clairol was introducing their New Natural Wear Miss Clairol shampoo-in hair color in 1973, and Shelley was the main model in their ads. Her effortless style, effervescent smile and wholesome sexiness made her the perfect choice and the Miss Clairol ad unforgettable.

 Shelley in a 1973 print ad
for Miss Clairol

Whoesome Sex Appeal

Shelley became Charlie's Angel no. 5 in 1979 when she joined the cast of TV's biggest hit in the 1970s. Everyone was excited to see THE Charlie Girl/Supermodel become one of Charlie's gorgeous cherubs. Along with Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd, Shelley looked like she fit right in. Her wholesome sex appeal was just the boost the show needed after it slipped in the ratings in the season that passed.

True-To-Life Story

screen captures of Shelley from the TV movie 
Taking Back My Life: The Nancy Ziegenmeyer Story

In 1992, Shelley co-starred in the true-to-life TV movie Taking Back My Life: The Nancy Ziegenmeyer Story. Nancy was one of the first rape victims to come out in public about her ordeal, inspiring other victims to let go of the shame they felt about what happened to them. The movie starred Patricia Wettig in the title role. Stephen Lang played Nancy's husband Steven. Academy Award winner Ellen Burstyn played Steven's mom Wilma and Joanna Cassidy played journalist Geneva Overholser. Shelley played Assistant Polk County Attorney Nan Horvat. The movie was directed by Shelley's husband Harry Winer, who served as executive producer as well.

more screen captures of Shelley from the TV movie 
Taking Back My Life: The Nancy Ziegenmeyer Story

Mademoiselle Shelley 1978 Part 2

a writeup on Shelley from Mademoiselle magazine in 1978

Shelley had been a part-time model when she was a teenager and still in school. But in the early '70s, after her schooling, she started modeling full-time. She was represented by the Ford Models agency and became one of their top earning girls. When she bagged an exclusive contract for Revlon Charlie, she catapulted to Supermodel and became famous the world over.

(left) Shelley in an outfit by Liz Claiborne ans sandals by Selby
(right) Shelley in a Lamston sweatshirt ans Adidas shorts

Shelley was featured in the Starstyle section of Mademoiselle in June 1978. She was a Superstar Model and was known as THE Charlie Girl. The writeup continued with Shelley's endeavors to transition from Supermodel to actress. She had appeared in the Academy Award winning film Annie Hall just two years prior and was currently appearing on the big screen in If Ever I See You Again. The writeup then tackled her beauty regimen, her family life, her health regimen and finally her style. Shelley was ready for a big-time Hollywood career; and her biggest break would come a year after.

closeups of Shelley's inset pics from the Starstyle section of Mademoiselle, June 1978
(left top and bottom) Shelley in a smock by Kennsington Blue and denim jeans by UFO
(middle top and bottom) Shelley in a Victorian smockdress by Reminiscence

Long-Legged and Sexy

Shelley with her effervescent smile in 1979

Shelley was one of the hottest women in fashion and then in Hollywood when she got her big break in Charlie's Angels in 1979. Shelley was already familiar to many as THE Charlie Girl three years before she became an Angel; so seeing her become one was almost a natural choice. Her wholesome yet sexy beauty was just the right image the show needed. Aside from her gorgeous smile, Shelley had those shapely shoulders and legs that went for miles. Promo pics displaying her assets came out everywhere. This intellectual beauty was sexy as well.

Shelley in a sexy promo pic from 1979


An ad for "An Angel's Trail"
a Charlie's Angels episode aired in 1980

In 1979, Shelley joined the cast of the biggest show on TV, Charlie's Angels, as the newest Angel - joining incumbent Angels Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd. Farrah Fawcett joined the cast for three episodes during seasons 3 and 4. "An Angel's Trail" was the last episode Farrah did for Charlie's Angels; and it was the lowest-rated of her comebacks. Charlie's Angels was becoming stale; bad scripts and repetitive plot lines were killing the show. Shelley was a breath of fresh air when she came in, but her character Tiffany Welles was grossly mishandled and underused.

Cheryl Ladd, Jaclyn Smith and Shelley Hack
from one of the sexiest Charlie's Angels promo pic set ever

Shelley was blamed for the decline in the ratings that season. But was it really her fault? The show had already declined the previous season; yet the show was never improved script-wise or plot-wise. They said she couldn't act; but she wasn't bad in the TV movie Death Car on the Freeway and in her Love Boat guesting (she was quite impressive in this one) - both of which came out during her tenure as an Angel. She wasn't given much to say or do during the first half of the season - when she hot property and everyone wanted a piece of her. Only when the ratings began to go south was she finally given more lines and more significance in the plot - and she wasn't bad at all, mind you. You could actually see her taking over from Sabrina Duncan as the head Angel in her last episode "One Love... Two Angels: Part 2". The big question is why wasn't she given a chance to shine during the first half of the season - when she was the hottest name in Hollywood and everyone wanted to see and hear more from her? It was Charlie's Angels after all, and she could obviously handle the material.

watch a minisode of "An Angel's Trail" at
An Angel's Trail 1980 | Charlie's Angels mini episode | Farrah Fawcett guest stars
(highlight the link, right click
and choose "Open Link in New Tab" option)