Saturday, May 22, 2021

All You'll Hear is Laughter

Shelley and Cheryl Ladd on a break from filming
the Charlie's Angels episode "Angel Hunt," 1979

Shelley joined the cast of Charlie's Angels during it's 4th season and got along well with her co-stars Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd. "Shelley seemed like a doll and we were going to have a lot of fun working together," Cheryl Ladd said at the time. "She was sort of like the debutante" Jaclyn Smith said about the highly-charged, energetic and intellectual East Coast girl. "Jackie, Cheryl and I hit it off immediately." Shelley said, "Put your ear to the wall, all you'll hear is laughter."

Shelley and Cheryl Ladd on a break from filming
the Charlie's Angels episode "Angel Hunt," 1979