Monday, January 31, 2022

TV Doctor

a closeup of Shelley from a promo pic
for Cutter to Houston, 1983

Shelley's second foray into series TV was via the television show Cutter to Houston, which she headlined with Jim Metzler and then newcomer Alec Baldwin. It was about three doctors relegated to working in a small-town community hospital in the fictional Texas town of Cutter located miles from Texas. The facility was linked-up to a big city hospital in Texas via computer and had a helicopter for airlifting serious cases into the city. Shelley played Dr. Beth Gilbert, a surgeon whose dream was to perform heart surgery in Houston. Jim played Dr. Andy Fenton, a general practitioner and hometown boy put through med school by Cutter and was thanking/paying his town back. Alec played Dr. Hal Wexler, a Chicago internist on probation for writing unnecessary prescriptions.

Shelley with Alec Baldwin and Jim Metzler
in a TV Guide writeup for Cutter to Houston, 1983