Sunday, October 16, 2022

Charlie Express Sweepstakes 3

a closeup of Shelley from a newspaper ad
for Charlie perfume, 1982

Shelley was THE quintessential Charlie Girl and appeared in many, many ads for the brand. In 1982, she appeared in a newspaper ad for Charlie called the "Charlie Express Sweepstakes" which was a promo tie-up with American Express. All anyone had to do was fill out an entry form at any Charlie counter to get a chance to win a fabulous 15-day trip for two to a faraway place of their choice along with "Mad Money" for their whims and fantasies. The promo also offered customers Charlie's "It's A Sky Blue World" color collection, a collection of cosmetics and nail polish in shades like South Sea Coral, Irish Rose and Charlie Frost. Included of course, was Charlie cologne. Offered as well was "A Trunkful of Charlie," a mini-steamer trunk which housed eye shadows, blushes, lipsticks, lip glosses, a shadow applicator and a split of Charlie cologne in a 6 oz. champagne bottle. And Shelley was gorgeous in the fabulous ad.

Shelley in a newspaper ad for Charlie perfume, 1982