Saturday, June 10, 2023

Researching For A Role 3

Shelley in a promo pic for Night Court, 1984

In 1984, Shelley joined the cast of the nighttime sitcom Night Court for its second season (replacing Paula Kelly). She was cast to play public defender Christine Sullivan and the character was going to be romantically involved with Judge Harry Stone (played by Harry Anderson). "I'll be doing my research at the New York court," Shelley said, "I always look forward to researching a role. It will be interesting." With help and guidance from the Legal Aid Society of New York, Shelley spent time watching defendants being arraigned in court. "Even though it's a comedic role, I still like to get in touch with the reality that it's based on," she said. "What goes on at the court is not funny. It's tragic, and very moving." From one of the courtroom's wooden benches, she watched the proceedings surrounded by the defendants' friends and family sitting on the nearby benches. When asked if anyone noticed her, Shelley replied, "No, I think they had other things on their mind."

a writeup about Shelley joining
the cast of Night Court, 1984