Saturday, March 3, 2018

Applique 1971 B

Shelley in a spread for Seventeen magazine, 1971

Shelley appeared in many issues of Seventeen magazine from 1964 to the 1970s. In 1971, she appeared in a spread for their September issue called "1, 2, 3, To Tie On" which featured the latest fashion craze that year, apron dresses that could be worn on its own or layered over outfits. Just wrap and tie and you're ready to go. Butterick pattern 6392 was an apron-style dress that could be made mini, midi or maxi. Shelley modeled the maxi version in a tartan-print fabric over a complementary long-sleeved pullover top. Bangles by Ruza finished her look. And Shelley looked like one sophisticated teen.

closeups of Shelley from the 1971 spread