Saturday, March 24, 2018

Snappy Dresses

Shelley in a spread for Sears Spring Through Summer 1971 catalog

Shelley appeared on many spreads for the Sears catalogs from the 1960s to the 1970s. In 1971, she appeared in a spread for Sears Spring Through Summer 1971 catalog called "Snap-Up Looks in Perma-Prest Dresses". It featured the latest in fabric technology, Perma-Prest, which meant the dresses could be machine-washed and no ironing was needed. Shelley wore the Shift Dress, pencil-stripped in brown and white with white trim and a back zipper. She also wore an floral-printed A-shaped skimmer that was bibbed and cuffed in white and had a back zipper closure. She also wore a dress in a brown, denim-textured fabric that had top-stitching around the collar and back ziper closing. And in all of them Shelley looked fab and snappy.

closeups of Shelley from a spread
on Sears Spring Through Summer 1971 catalog