Saturday, May 5, 2018

Simplicity Young Ideas 6

Shelley in a spread for Simplicity Young Ideas Catalog, 1972

Shelley appeared in Simplicity Young Ideas Catalog in 1972. The catalog featured fashions readers could make themselves - young and up-to-date fashions. She appeared in many spreads throughout the catalog and one of them was called "Dresses... On  The Flip Side", which featured pantdresses for those active summer days.

a closeup of Shelley from Simplicity Young Ideas Catalog, 1972

Shelley modeled pattern 9986, a pantdress that came in two lengths - the mini-pantdress and the short pantdress. Shelley modeled the short pantdress which had modified-tulip sleeves, convertible collars and a shorter pantdress hemline. It was made using a nautical-print fabric and accessorized with a matching belt, bracelet and a bandana on the hair. And Shelley looked ready for those active summer days.