Saturday, May 5, 2018

Supermodel Angel

a writeup about Shelley from the Polish mag Film, 1983

Shelley was already a world-renowned Supermodel when she joined the cast Charlie's Angels in 1979. But the role of Angel Tiffany Welles turned her into a world-renowned Hollywood Superstar. She became known as the classy Charlie's Angel. Both her Supermodel and Angels image left a lasting impression that was still felt long after she left the series and stopped modeling. In 1983, the Polish mag Film featured her along with a writeup that translates as:

Shelley Hack
She was a later addition to the hit series Charlie's Angels, replacing Kate Jackson who went on to do comedies on the big screen. But even so, she quickly gained the admiration of the viewing public, many of whom were familiar with her face from the teen magazine covers she graced, especially Seventeen magazine. Her film debut was a leading lady role in the film "If Ever I see You Again" with Joe Brooks.