Saturday, November 7, 2020

Shirt Coats Make It Big B

a closeup of Shelley
from Woman's Day magazine, Nov 1973
Shelley was one of the busiest models in the 1970s. After graduating from Smith College in 1970, she signed on full-time with Ford Models Inc. and began her rise to Supermodel-dom. Shelley's deduced, "I was a success because I was hard-working, professional, bright. I looked at the business and identified the markets. I knew the key was that they always wanted someone new. I decided to hit one market one year, then cut my hair and hit another. Then let it grow and hit television. I thought it through. The game plan can apply to any business, but especially to one where you're the product. You just have to become objective about yourself."
Shelley in a spread 
for Woman's Day magazine, Nov 1973
Shelley was featured in a spread entitled "Short Coats Make It Big" for Woman's Day magazine back in November of 1973. She showed readers how to wear frisky fashionable gadabout coats that could be worn from day-to-evening with style. At various lengths, she showed readers how to wear the coats from day to evening. She modeled the Swashbuckling Circle Coat that buttoned up at the front - a coat that could be flung over anything, even a bulky sweater. In both versions, Shelley was just lovely.

a closeup of Shelley
from Woman's Day magazine, Nov 1973