Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Getting Fit Through Biking 3

a closeup of Shelley from a pic
from Self magazine, 1983

The 1980s was the decade when fitness and health became a number one concern for many people worldwide. Fitness videos, gyms and sports activities became very popular and keeping fit became part of many people's daily routines. Aerobics became a household word and many fitness experts as well as stars like Jane Fonda, Raquel Welch and Jaclyn Smith released home exercise videos for anyone interested in keeping fit at home. Magazines too were awash with exercise tips and advise for women who wanted to stay in peak form.

Shelley in a pic from a spread for Self magazine, 1983

And Shelley was keeping herself fit as well. In August of 1983, she appeared on a spread for Self magazine about bikes. She modeled and tested bikes that were great for keeping fit at any weather. She rode the "mixte," a generic bike with crossbars that angled downwards so riders could wear skirts while biking around. It had high-pressure tires, 12 speeds and was relatively lightweight. And she rode it in style as well - in a jacket and skirt by Compagnia Delle Pelli for Haas-LePack NYC and shoes by Kenneth Cole. Bright red tights finished her look. And Shelley looked sensational.

Shelley in a spread for Self magazine, 1983