Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Good Wools A

a closeup of Shelley from an ad
for The Good Wools, 1977

Shelley appeared on many ads in the 1970s. In 1977, she appeared in an ad for "The Good Wools." The ad featured Shelley in a look that was on-trend that season - Sweater Dressing. Shelley became an in-demand Supermodel in the 1970s. Her face was everywhere - endorsing everything from shampoos to beds. Shelley's smile was a familiar sight on magazines and commercials during the era. "The clients respond to my all-American face," Shelley told Cosmopolitan magazine in 1974. She added, "As far as (my father) was concerned, I was in business, the business of selling my face." She was one of the highest-paid models represented by Ford Models, Inc.

Shelley in an ad for The Good Wools, 1977