Sunday, November 6, 2022

Guide to Wine 2a

an outtake of Shelley's promo pic used
on the VHS and LD covers
of the Celebrity Guide to Wine, 1990

Shelley took part in the 1990 educational video the Celebrity Guide To Wine, a fun and practical guide to everything about wine. It was hosted by international wine expert and then Spago restaurant maitre d' Bernard Erpicum. The video answered questions many people had regarding the drinking and serving of wine, as well as debunked some of the myths and the rules on the subject. Aside from Shelley, Dudley Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Herbie Hancock, Kelly Le Brock, Robert Loggia and Steven Seagal joined in on the fun. It was released in both VHS and LaserDisc format.

screen captures of Shelley
from the Celebrity Guide to Wine, 1990
for more screen captures check out: 

Shelley was more of a comic relief in the video, bringing humor to the many apprehensions people had about drinking and serving wine. She poked humor at serving red wine with ice, at serving certain wines with certain foods, at drinking wine with favorite foods, at how wine should be opened and stored. But, as the video concluded, Bernard Erpicum said it ultimately came to preference. If viewers wanted to throw out all the "rules" regarding the drinking and serving wine, they should just go ahead and do that. It is the enjoyment of consuming it in the way one prefers that is most important he added.

Shelley on the cover of the Celebrity Guide to Wine
in LaserDisc format, 1990