Saturday, November 19, 2022

Superstar Angels

a closeup of Shelley from a promo pic from 1980

To this day, everyone remembers Charlie's gorgeous crime-fighting Angels - Sabrina Duncan, Jill Munroe, Kelly Garrett, Kris Munroe, Tiffany Welles and Julie Rogers. And everyone has their favorite Angel - as well as defends their favorite Angel. And why not? Each and every one of them had their own brand of style and appeal. Kate Jackson was the smart no-nonsense Sabrina. Farrah Fawcett was the sporty California girl Jill. Jaclyn Smith was the sultry and mysterious Kelly. Cheryl Ladd was the cute and sexy girl-next-door Kris. Shelley Hack was the classy intellectual Tiffany. And Tanya Roberts was the street-smart tigress Julie. They were all gorgeous and they were all loved by fans. They were the biggest and brightest superstars in the entire world at the time. They are icons of the era.

Shelley and Jaclyn Smith with their precious pooches
in a spread from the Japanese 
fan magazine Screen, March 1981