Sunday, February 18, 2024

Seventeen Magazine Subscriptions

a pic of Shelley from an ad
for Seventeen magazine 
subscriptions, Feb 1965

Shelley was one of the models who regularly appeared on the pages of Seventeen magazine since the beginning of her modeling career. In fact, one of her first covers was for the November 1964 issue of the mag. She also regularly appeared on other Seventeen magazine outings such as their booklets/guide books and even their ads. In February 1965, she appeared in an ad about subscribing to Seventeen magazine. "One of America's Most Beloved Magazines" and "One of America's Most Beautiful Magazines" as the ad stated, Seventeen magazine was available for a 12-month subscription for only $6. "Subscribe to a Dozen Wonderful Dreams Come True" the ad further stated. And on the ad was a very young Shelley in one of her first modeling assignments. Eleven years later, she would become one of the most recognizable Supermodels in the modeling industry.

Shelley in an ad
for Seventeen Magazine
subscriptions in Feb 1965