Sunday, May 15, 2022

More Mother's Day Fashions

a closeup of Shelley from a spread
on the newspaper supplement
Sears Gift For Mothers, 1975

Shelley appeared on many ads and fashion spreads for Sears in the 1960s and 1970s. Sears is an American chain of department stores that began in 1892. It began as a mail ordering catalog company; then in 1925 opened its first retail location. Shelley appeared on the cover and pages of the 1975 newspaper supplement called Sears Gifts For Mothers. It featured value packed gifts that were perfect gifts for all mothers that season. On the cover she wore the Comfort Coat, a comfortable housecoat that could be worn around the house during the day. (Check it out at: Advanced Happy Mother's Day) Inside, she wore "Sleep Fashions for Mother," particularly, a sleeping gown and coat set with embroidery and lace trims. And in both outfits, Shelley looked perfectly comfortable.

Shelley in a spread for the newspaper supplement
Sears Gifts For Mothers, 1975