Sunday, November 3, 2019

Leading Lady

a closeup of Shelley from a candid pic
from the set of If Ever I see you Again, 1978

In 1978, Shelley got her first leading lady role opposite screenwriter, director, producer, and composer Joe Brooks in the film If Ever I See You Again. The film was panned by the critics and was a box-office flop, but it had and still has its share of fans who appreciate the film. Shelley was cast in the role of Jennifer Corly. Brooks told one reporter that during the auditions, "When Shelley walked into the room, I turned to my assistant and said, 'She's got it!'" He thought she was perfect for the role. He also insisted she wore her glasses, which Shelley thought affected her concentration because she could see everyone on the set very clearly.

Shelley with Joe Brooks in a candid pic
from the set of If Ever I see you Again, 1978