Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Angels Are Back!!!

The Charlie's Angels Legacy
Charlie's Angels is coming back to the big screen 
this November 15, 2019.
Watch it!

Charlie's Angels was one of the most phenomenally successful shows to ever come to the small screen. The groundbreaking TV series was the very first female buddy-buddy show ever. It also presented women as not just the fairer sex, but as a strong and independent gender as well. The series, produced by Aaron Spelling and Leonard Goldberg, ran for five seasons and went though six Angels - Kate Jackson (Sabrina Blaylock Duncan), Farrah Fawcett (Jill Munroe), Jaclyn Smith (Kelly Garrett), Cheryl Ladd (Kristine Munroe), Shelley Hack (Tiffany Welles) and Tanya Roberts (Julie Rogers). In 1988, there was an attempted reboot of the series by no other than Aaron Spelling with Karen Kopins (Trisha Lawrence), Claire Yarlett (Connie Bates), Sandra Canning (Pam Ryan) and Téa Leoni (Bernie Colter) as the Angels. But after the casting was announced, the series went through many setbacks and was shelved. In 2000 and 2003, Leonard Goldberg and Drew Barrymore successfully bought the Angels to the big screen with Cameron Diaz (Natalie Cook), Drew Barrymore (Dylan Sanders/Helen Zaas), Lucy Liu (Alex Munday) and Demi Moore (Madison Lee) playing the Angels. In 2011, the same duo produced an updated version of the TV series with Annie Ilonzeh (Kate Prince), Minka Kelly (Eve French), Rachael Taylor (Abby Sampson) and Nadine Velazquez (Gloria Martinez) answering to Angel. But the series was unsuccessful and soon canceled. Jump to 2019 and Elizabeth Banks has currently produced, written, directed and acted in the latest iteration of Charlie's Angels with Elizabeth Banks (as former Angel Susan Bosley), Kristen Stewart (Sabina Wilson), Naomi Scott (Elena Houghlin)and Ella Balinska (Jane Kano) as the Angels. Wouldn't it be great of all the living Angels appeared in this latest iteration?

Jaclyn Smith Cheryl Ladd and Shelley Hack
Charlie's Angels season 4
circa 1979