Saturday, January 5, 2019

Charlie's 5th Cherub

Shelley with fellow Charlie's Angels Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd
on the cover of the Greek mag RadioProgram, 1980

Shelley became Charlie's 5th cherub in 1979. She was chosen among the many girl who auditioned because the way her looked blended perfectly with incumbent cherubs Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd. She passed a screen test and a personality test and was recommended by both Jaclyn and Cheryl for the part (they felt really comfortable with her). She had a short acting resume but had enough experience to handle the Charlie's Angels material - it wasn't Shakespeare after all.

Shelley in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 1979

Shelley was already an icon-in-the-making herself when she joined the Charlies Angels cast. She was THE Charlie Girl and was as familiar as a can of Coca Cola to the entire world. Her impact as the Revlon model and spokesperson was felt throughout the entire globe. The time of the independent, confident and unapologetic woman had come; and Shelley represented all these to women everywhere. Her becoming a Charlie's Angel was perfect as well. The TV series empowered women just as her Revlon commercials did.