Saturday, May 11, 2024

Happy Mother's Day from Charlie

pics of Shelley for Charlie perfume, 1979

To all mothers around the world,

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Shelley was THE Charlie perfume girl from 1976 to 1982. She was dubbed as THE quintessential Charlie Girl because she was the embodiment of the brand's ideal - gorgeous, sexy, young... as well as independent, confident and loving every minute of it. In 1980, Shelley appeared in a Charlie ad dubbed "To Mother With Love" which promoted Charlie's special gift for Mother's Day. The Charlie En Route cosmetics case was just $8.50 with any $5.00 purchase from the Charlie Collection. The special gift set/cosmetics case contained a Charlie dusting powder and a Charlie perfume spray. And Charlie Girl Shelley appeared in the ad and was Charlie-Girl gorgeous, as always.

Shelley in a Mother's Day ad
for Charlie perfume and cosmetics, 1980