Saturday, May 11, 2024

Up-And-Coming Actress 1978

a closeup of Shelley
from a promo pic, 1978

Shelley was one of the hottest new actresses on the scene in 1978. By that time, she was already a highly-paid Supermodel and was recognized by everyone as The Charlie Girl. She was currently transitioning from modeling to acting. The year before, she had done a cameo in the Academy Award winning film Annie Hall where she appeared in a scene with no other than director/star Woody Allen himself (For more, check out: Film Debut 1977).  By then, she was also being considered by long-time James Bond films producer Cubby Broccoli to play Bond girl in the latest Bond installment Moonraker (For more, check out: Shelley Hack - Bond Girl). And she was currently, a first time leading-lady in the film If Ever I See You Again (For more, check out: Handpicked). 

Shelley in a promo pic from 1978