Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Dallas Villain

a promo pic of Shelley from 1979

In around April of 1980, Shelley left Charlie's Angels. Spelling-Goldberg Productions (the producers of the series) issued the statement, "When she signed her contract for the series, Miss Hack had a personal agreement that she could review her continuation with the show at the end of her first season." The statement further said, "In case Miss Hack decides not to come back next season on a regular basis, she has agreed to do several guest-star appearances on the show." But then in June of 1980, rumors began circulating that Shelley was offered a major role in the prime-time hit soap Dallas which was created by Lorimar Productions. A source at Lorimar said that Shelley was offered the role of a "super-bitch"/villain who was going to be give JR Ewing (Larry Hagman's role) a run for his money. Was Shelley really offered the role? Did she turn it down? Well, nobody has confirmed this so far. But it would have been a lot of fun if it did happen, wouldn't you agree? For more, check out: Shelley on Dallas?Dallas and Dallas Casting

a short newspaper writeup
about Shelley possibly joining
the cast of Dallas