Saturday, June 8, 2024

Proper Breathing and Straplessness

closeups of Shelley
from a spread for Vogue, 1976

Shelley was one of the busiest models in the 1970s. She appeared in countless ads, catalogs and magazine spreads. In June of 1976, she appeared on the pages of Vogue in the spread called "Head to Toe: All Over Summer Care." It featured tips and recommendations on how to stay in tip top shape - from hair to skin - for that summer season. (Check out: Hair-Savers) She also appeared in the spread called "Torso," which featured tips and fashions regarding a woman's torso, a focus that summer. Strapless, bare, thin and unlined bathing suits were in.

Shelley in a spread for Vogue, 1976

Shelley appeared in the portion that featured proper breathing. It featured a Beverly Hills exercise expert's tip on how to learn proper breathing. Shelley also appeared in the portion called Straplessness. In it, she modeled the perfect covering to a strapless knitted top, a cotton square folded as a shawl by Belle France. And Shelley looked healthy and effortlessly chic, as always.

closeups of Shelley
from a spread for Vogue, 1976