Saturday, June 1, 2024

Time Of Your Life

Shelley in an ad
for Charlie perfume and cosmetics, 1981

Shelley was THE quintessential Charlie Girl and appeared in many, many ads for the best-selling Revlon brand. But aside from Charlie perfume, Charlie also had a skin care, nail care and cosmetics line. In 1981, she appeared in an ad for Charlie with the tagline "Charlie Gives You The Time Of Your Life." It was a promo for Charlie perfume and cosmetics for that summer season. Whether sailing, surfing or just walking along the seaside, Charlie was guaranteed to give anyone the time of their lives with Charlie's warm sunlit makeup colors and, of course, a big splash of the Charlie fragrance. And Shelley was summer gorgeous in the fabulous ad, as always.

a closeup of Shelley
from a Charlie perfume ad, 1981

a closeup of Shelley
from a Charlie perfume ad, 1981

a closeup of Shelley
from a Charlie perfume ad, 1981

a closeup of Shelley
from a Charlie perfume ad, 1981