Saturday, August 24, 2024

That Electric Presence

Shelley starred in the play
Born Yesterday in 1982

Shelley starred as Billie Dawn in the Pennsylvania Stage Company's 1982 staging of Born Yesterday in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Shelley starred alongside acting vets Michael O. Smith, Fritz Sperberg and Kelly Fitzpatrick. Stephen Rothman, the executive director of the critically acclaimed Pasadena Playhouse, was the director. The play ran from September 29 to October 24 of that year and was presented at the J.I. Rodale Theater in Allentown. "I am interested in developing my career as an actress and doing as much work in the theater as I can," Shelley said in 1982. As for working with the Pennsylvania Stage Company, she said, "I'm thrilled to be here, and to be working with such great people. This playhouse is getting a very good reputation. When I heard that they were doing this play, I got in contact with them. All I want to do now is to do good theater."

a writeup about Shelley
and the play Born Yesterday, 1982

The play was well-received; and, according to Morning Call reviewer Myra Y. Goldfarb, the play's theme was so timely. She praised it for being "stylish, frothy and fun." The set design and costumes brought the audience back to the era of 1940s Washington D.C. when rich, powerful men were the dominant force in American society. Director Stephen Rothman "molded the talented cast into a tightly knit ensemble." Michael O. Smith, Fritz Sperberg and Kelly Fitzpatrick all gave wonderful performances. And Shelley (yet again) wowed audiences (and her critics alike) with her performance, giving a "touching and engaging innocence" to her portrayal and development of the uneducated chorus girl Billie Dawn - her journey from dumb blonde to smart cookie. Plus, Shelley's "electric presence" lit up the stage whenever she entered it. It would be a wonderful piece to watch if only it had been filmed for TV. (For more, check out: Good Theater 2 and Critical Acclaim, 1982)

Shelley and Michael O Smith starred
in the play Born Yesterday in 1982