Saturday, August 17, 2024

The 1977 Woman

Shelley on the cover
of Women Today magazine, June 1977

Shelley was on the cover of the premiere issue of Women Today back in August of 1977. With the success of her 1976 Charlie perfume commercial, she had become the embodiment the new independent young woman - sexy, gorgeous, free, confident and successful. THE Charlie Girl that Shelley portrayed/projected was a woman who had it all. And her 30-second spot did a lot more than promote perfume. It affected many women, made them think that they too could be Charlie Girls, that they too could have it all. Even the young Oprah Winfrey wanted to be a Charlie Girl. As Oprah confessed in 2008 when Shelley appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, "I wanted to stride like her with confidence. I wanted to be this fabulous." (For more, check out: Shelley and Oprah 1, Shelley and Oprah 2 and Shelley on Oprah) So it's only appropriate for Shelley to have graced the cover of this magazine.