Saturday, January 7, 2023

So Natural Looking!

Shelley in a promo pic
for Clairol Nice 'n Easy, 1960s

Clairol is a division of the American company Wella, which specializes in haircare and hair-coloring products. The company was founded in 1931 and it brought to the US hair-coloring preparations from France. By the 1950s, it became popular in the States for its easy-to-use home hair-coloring kits. In the 1960s, Nice 'n Easy by Clairol advertised that their shampoo-in hair color as "so natural it invites closeups."

Shelley in a promo pic
for Clairol Nice 'n Easy, 1960s

Shelley appeared on the packaging/box (as well as print ads) for Nice 'n Easy by Clairol - from 1965 to the late '60s. Nice 'n Easy was a shampoo-in permanent two-step hair-coloring product which women could use at home. Step one was "Pour it on.. work it through." Step two was "Wait just minutes... rinse... shampoo!" The result was "Nice 'n Easy... so natural looking!" It was deemed so natural that "The closer he gets... the better you look!" Now who wouldn't want that?

Shelley in a promo pic
for Clairol Nice 'n Easy, 1960s