Sunday, February 28, 2016

Preppy Shelley '78

Shelley's preppy style was evident early in her acting career.

Publicity pictures of her strolling around the city were released in 1978, in time for the screening of her film If Ever I See You Again. Pictures from the same set were used as promotional material when she joined Charlie's Angels. One Spanish mag attached a caption on the pic which said:

"Se rumor a que la esbelta figura y el attractivo personal de Shelley provoco panico en Cheryl Ladd, con quien guarda cierto parecido. Y que, Jaclyn Smith sufrio un ataque de... celos."

which roughly translates to:
"It is rumored that the slim figure and the personal style of Shelley cause a panic attack in Cheryl Ladd, who bears a resemblance to Shelley. And, Jaclyn Smith suffered an attack of ... jealousy."

Oh, what they would write about the Angels back then were so far-fetched.