Saturday, November 3, 2018

THE Charlie Girl

Shelley as THE Charlie Girl, 1978

Charlie Girl Shelley Hack quickly became an icon when she began endorsing Charlie by Revlon in 1976. Shelley told Playboy magazine in 1980, "Once, on a promotional tour, I was talking with a guy at a radio station and he wanted to know why my Charlie perfume commercials for Revlon were so successful. I suggested we make it the call-in question, because I was curious myself. The women respondents said that this girl walking into a restaurant alone - which most women are afraid to do - looking chic, but not too chic, seemed like somebody they would like to know or to be. I was their idea of a modern, liberated but not threatening woman. The men thought I was someone they would like to go out with; again, modern, not brassy and someone who, if they met me, would talk to them. Men complain about women who can't talk."

Charlie Girl Shelley in 1978