Sunday, August 25, 2019

Great American Classics 2

a closeup of Shelley from Seventeen magazine, 1973

Shelley has appeared on many spreads for Seventeen magazine throughout her modeling career. In 1973, she appeared in the mag's July issue. In the spread called "Great American Classics," she modeled classic fashion pieces that could be worn anytime, any place and would always look right. Shelley wore a white man-tailored shirt over a pair of Herringbone trousers with wide flared legs. A Burgundy Wrap Sweater topped her outfit. A knitted skullcap with a flower applique finished her look.And Shelley, as usual, looked sensational. And why not? Her boyfriend at the time, photographer Steen Svensson, took the pics himself.

Shelley in a spread for Seventeen magazine, 1973