Sunday, August 25, 2019

MOD Lashes 33

Shelley modeling MOD Lashes no. 33, 1973

Shelley appeared in an ad for MOD Lashes in 1973. She modeled "Real Hair Lashes...Realistically Priced - to bring out the Real You". She modeled different kinds of lashes for different kinds of women, for different kinds of lifestyles and different moods. All any woman had to do was "eye-dentify' the lifestyle or mood she was in; and MOD Lashes would recommend the corresponding lash style. Career, Home-Loving, Outdoors, Child-At-Heart and Intellectual - style numbers 11, 16, 26, 31 and 33 - were all modeled by Shelley. And Shelley captured every lifestyle and mood to a T.