Sunday, December 22, 2019

Charlie's Charlie Girl

a pic of Shelley from 1979

Shelley became Charlie's Angel no.5 in 1979. She was already a Supermodel when she joined the cast, one of the highest paid models in the entire world. She was known as THE Charlie Girl and was the image model and spokesperson for the no. 1 Revlon brand. She knew that when she joined Angels she would be doing a lot of press and promotional stints for the series; and she was ready for it. She had done a lot of them as THE Charlie Girl. But what what happened was beyond her expectations. Upon the announcement of her joining the show, she was hounded by the press. "I was totally unprepared for the press "bonanza" that followed," she said in 2000.  "I had press people crawling in my windows," she told E! in 2002.

a writeup about Shelley from 1979