Saturday, April 15, 2023

1001 Fashion B

a pic of Shelley
from 1001 Fashion & Needlecraft Ideas, 1971

In 1971, Shelley appeared on the pages of the fall issue of 1001 Fashion & Needlecraft Ideas. The magazine came out twice a year and contained the latest fashions, accessories, home décor and more that readers could sew, knit and crochet themselves. The issue featured the latest knitted designs, the latest patterns by designers, as well as instructions on how to sew, macramé, knit and crochet the new designs.  It also featured a one piece pattern design bonus, with a spread that included Shelley (check out: 1001 Fashion A)

Shelley in a spread
for 1001 Fashion & Needlecraft Ideas, 1971

In the issue, Shelley also appeared on the spread called "All You Need Is Applique-tion," which featured fashion pieces that readers could customize and detail with appliques (French for small fabrics cutouts applied to larger pieces). Shelley wore a pair of old-fashioned overalls with iron-on applique details to give it that high fashion look. A simple white short-sleeved shirt, matching footwear and a casual floppy hat finished her look. Also, Shelley wore a pair of jeans with hand-embroidered floral details that could be made easily by readers who were sewing enthusiasts. A knitted long-sleeved turtleneck top, a pair of boots, a matching belt and a casual floppy hat finished her look. And in both looks, Shelley looked young, fun and fabulous.

a pic of Shelley
from 1001 Fashion & Needlecraft Ideas, 1971