Friday, April 21, 2023

The Charlie You Kiss With

pics of Shelley in Bill Blass for Blassport
for the Charlie brand, 1976

Shelley was THE quintessential Charlie Girl and appeared on many, many ads for the brand around the world. She became THE Charlie Girl in 1976 and by 1977, she catapulted the brand (as well as herself) to iconic status. Ads with her image were everywhere. In 1978, she appeared in a Charlie ad which had the tagline "The Charlie You Kiss With." It promoted Charlie Extra Extra-Shine Lipstick. It was a lipstick that made the mouth feel soft, creamy and moist; and the creamy lipstick produced a luscious glistening shine. The colors available were deemed pure, distinct and special. Now having kissable lips like THE Charlie Girl was just a makeup counter away.

Shelley in an ad for Charlie lipstick, 1978