Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Frenzy

a closeup of Shelley from a promo pic from 1980

Shelley was already a Supermodel by 1979 and was known around the world as THE Charlie Girl from those Revlon Charlie commercials and print ads; and she was recognized wherever she went. Going shopping, according to Shelley, "was a disaster." In 1978, Shelley said, "The Charlie image is interesting because people recognize me and some actually chase me down the street." But when she become a Charlie's Angel that year, things were suddenly different. Shelley found herself in unfamiliar territory - rock star territory. After being cast as the gorgeous Angel Tiffany Welles in 1979 she said, "The thing is I haven't even done anything yet. I've been recognized before and I've signed autographs before but I get a part and suddenly find myself in the fishbowl." She wasn't ready for the frenzy that came with the part. In March of 1980, she told TV Guide Canada, "It's still very hard for me to realize that anybody but my mother and a few of my friends sees the show---that millions of people are watching me." And she was aghast that people were trying to climb her walls and enter her house. 

a promo pic of Shelley from 1980