Friday, February 10, 2023

The Charlie Ticket

a pic of Shelley from a newspaper promo ad
for Charlie, 1976

Shelley was THE quintessential Charlie Girl and appeared in many, many ads for the brand. In 1976, she appeared in a newspaper ad for Charlie that offered "the Charlie Ticket" - which was a set of 4 Charlie winners made up of Charlie Extra-Extra Shine lipstick, Charlie Fresh-Fresh eyecolor, Charlie Body Silk lotion and Charlie Concentrated Spray Perfume. It was set valued at $22.50 but was offered for only $5.00 for any $5.00 purchase or more from the Charlie or Chaz Collection. Shelley, of course, appeared in the newspaper advertisement for "the Charlie Ticket" looking fabulous and gorgeous, as always.

Shelley in a newspaper promo ad for Charlie, 1976