Sunday, January 24, 2016

Attorney Horvat

screen captures of Shelley from the 1992 TV movie
Taking Back My Life: The Nancy Ziegenmeyer Story

Shelley was cast as Assistant Polk County Attorney Nan Horvat in the 1992 TV movie Taking Back My Life: The Nancy Ziegenmeyer Story. Based on a true-to-life story, the telefilm was about Nancy Ziegenmeyer (played by Patricia Wettig), a rape victim who come out in public with her very private ordeal. Her rapist was eventually tried and prosecuted by Attorney Horvat who won the case to Nancy's relief. Great performances from the cast in this one. And it was directed by Shelley husband, Harry Winer.

more screen captures of Shelley from the 1992 TV movie
Taking Back My Life: The Nancy Ziegenmeyer Story