Sunday, January 3, 2021

Second TV Series

a closeup of Shelley from a 1983 promo pic
for Cutter to Houston
Shelley was slowly gaining recognition as an actress in the early 1980s. After leaving Charlie's Angels in 1980, she received praise for her work on, stage, screen and television, taking everyone by surprise. She did have acting talent and was gaining credibility as an actress. So much so that in 1983, she landed a lead role in another TV series. In Cutter to Houston, Shelley costarred with Jim Metzler and Alec Baldwin. They played city-trained doctors relegated to a small town clinic in Cutter miles away from a huge hospital in Houston.
Shelley in a 1983 promo pic for Cutter to Houston
with Jim Mezler and Alec Baldwin
In an era when nighttime soaps like Dallas and Dynasty reigned supreme, Cutter to Houston had a hard time finding an audience. After just three months, the series was cancelled and although Shelley had gained huge strides and recognition for her acting, she was again somehow in the position where she had to prove herself acting-wise. But in other parts of the world, she always had fans. Cutter to Houston was aired in Germany in 1988 and was a success. Unfortunately, the short run of the series left fans wanting more.
Shelley in a 1988 German-language writeup
for Freizeit Revue (Arts Revue) where about her series
Cutter to Houston (Die Texas-Klink) and her showbiz career
at the time. Below is the translation.

Nobody Wants Her
This is Shelley Hack (38), a smoking hot blonde from New York who has, so far, been unable to find success as an actress. The former Supermodel has appeared on both big and small screen projects like Charlie’s Angels but success has so far eluded her. Right now, her series Cutter to Houston is being aired here with the last episode to be aired next week. Maybe Shelley will have better luck if she moved here.