Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Gorgeous Charlie Girl

a closeup of Shelley from a Charlie perfume ad, 1978
Shelley was The quintessential Charlie Girl. She was the perfect embodiment of the brand's ideals - gorgeous, sexy and young, as well as glamorous, liberated and independent. Revlon creative director David Leddick had her then boyfriend photographer Steen Svensson shoot the first presentation with her and it got her the contract - one of the first modeling contracts made between models and giant beauty companies. Before that, Shelley had a feeling she was going to get it and felt that it was going to be a big thing; and she did and it did become a big thing. Charlie sales went through the roof when she became The Charlie Girl and everyone in the world wanted to be a Charlie Girl. And Shelley jumped from top model to Supermodel just like that.
Shelley in a Charlie perfume ad, 1978