Sunday, October 16, 2022

Hot New Angel

a closeup of Shelley from a modeling pic from 1980

When Shelley became Charlie's Angel no. 5 in 1979, she instantly became the hottest news item. Everyone wanted to get to know THE Charlie Girl who was now a Charlie's Angel. Of course, as THE Charlie perfume Girl, she already had a lot of fans - everyone loved her in those Revlon Charlie commercials and print ads. But now that she was an Angel, everyone wanted to get to know her even more.

Shelley (modeling McCall's pattern number 6754)
in a 2-page spread from the Japanese
fan magazine Roadshow, Feb 1981
for more, check out: Bright Ways to Keep Warm

Shelley was cast as Tiffany Welles, the daughter of Charles Townsend's good friend, a police chief in Boston, and a Latin teacher. Tiff graduated from the Boston Police Academy with top marks and worked at the Boston Police Department before joining the Townsend Agency. She took over from Kate Jackson's Sabrina Duncan at the agency as Charlie's Angel no. 5.

a closeup of Shelley from a modeling pic from 1980