Sunday, October 23, 2022

Wards Fall and Winter 1972 D

a closeup of Shelley from a spread
for the Montgomery Ward Fall and Winter 1972 catalog

Shelley has appeared on many spreads for many catalogs from the late '60s to the mid-'70s. Many Supermodels at the time appeared in the most popular catalogs during the era like Cheryl Tiegs, Beverly Johnson, Patti Hansen and Shelley Smith, just to name a few. Many models who eventually became actresses also appeared in the catalogs like Veronica Hamel, Erin Grey, Kim Basinger and Pam Dawber.

Shelley in a spread
for the Montgomery Ward Fall and Winter 1972 catalog

Shelley appeared on the pages of the Montgomery Ward Fall and Winter 1972 catalog. In the section called "Focus on Pants Sets," she wore The Knit Bodyshirt-Pantset, a coordinating fashion set made up of a bodyshirt and a pair of pants. The top was a bodyshirt that had the layered look of a white ribby turtleneck top with long sleeves overlayed with a plaid scoop neck sleeveless tank top. The pants was solid-colored and had slightly flared legs. A matching belt/sash was also available. Matching footwear and hair accessories finished her look. And Shelley looked coordinated and fabulous.

a closeup of Shelley from a spread
for the Montgomery Ward Fall and Winter 1972 catalog