Saturday, April 6, 2019

Shelley in the late-2000s

Shelley at the Hollywood Show, 2009

In the late-2000s, Shelley, who had been very busy with Shelley Hack Media Consultancy from 1997 to around 2008 (she spent years traveling around Europe and East Asia), had decided to stay put for a while in the US. While she was at it, in 2008, she guested on Oprah Winfrey's show in a segment dedicated to her Charlie Girl persona. And a year later, she made a very rare appearance at the Hollywood Show in Burbank, California, where she met her West coast fans (as well as, for the very first time, her fellow Charlie's Angel Tanya Roberts). A year after that, she attended the 2010 Super Mega Show and Comic Fest held in East Fairfield, New Jersey, where she met her East coast fans.

Shelley at the Super Mega Show and Comic Fest, 2010