Saturday, April 27, 2019

Simplicity School Catalog 1971 K

a closeup of Shelley from a spread
on Simplicity School Catalog, Fall/Winter 1971

Shelley appeared in many sewing catalogs when she was a model. In 1971, she appeared on the cover and pages of the Simplicity School Catalog Fall/Winter catalog. In the spread called "The Campus Color Spree," she modeled color-zinged fashion separates that could be worn around any school campus.

Shelley in a spread
for Simplicity School Catalog, Fall/Winter 1971

She wore pattern no. 9525, a mini-jumper and pants ensemble; but Shelley only modeled the mini-jumper. It had a back zipper and suspenders that fastened to the front with hook-up closures. It could be made using a variety of fabrics, and Shelley's was a plaid fabric. A black turtleneck sweater and black leggings completed her ensemble. A matching skull cap and silver military dog tags finished her look. Shelley looked young, up-to-the-minute and ready to hit those 1971 campus grounds.